August 6, 2020

New PRO Business Checklist

If you are thinking about starting a new portable toilet business or already have the wheels in motion to do so, take a moment to consider […]
September 23, 2019

What to Do If Another Company Offers to Buy Your Business

If you have built a well-run portable sanitation business that has earned its good reputation, don’t be surprised if another company offers to buy it. The […]
August 26, 2019

The Legal Process for Collecting Unpaid Bills

In many people’s opinions, portable sanitation is one of the most unappealing jobs in the work world. Yet, PROs tackle this career with gusto and a […]
August 12, 2019

How to Calculate Costs and Prepare an Event Bid

For PROs, events are both lucrative and competitive. However, to win the contract and profit from it, it’s crucial not to undersell your services or make […]