June 21, 2022

Insuring Your Portable Toilet Business

Let’s tackle a subject no one likes to discuss: Insuring your portable toilet business. It’s expensive, and while there are ways to save money on insurance, […]
August 31, 2020

Protecting Equipment from Vandalism & Theft

While vandalism has long been a concern for PROs, equipment theft is an increasing problem in the industry. Across the United States, heavy equipment theft from […]
January 20, 2020

INFOGRAPHIC: Deterring Vandalism and Theft of Equipment

Almost every PRO will have to deal with vandalism or equipment theft at some point. It’s a frustrating aspect of the industry, but you don’t have […]
September 9, 2019

Responding to Suspected Employee Theft

Theft in any business, regardless of the size of the company, is detrimental to its bottom line. Not only does it affect your profits, but it […]